Regardless of his job - Reg is a lovely dog and very much one of the team here now.
So why not pop in next time you're passing by and give him a quick stroke and say hello!

Pietro, one of the founders of Lanman Solar, decided that what we were lacking in the office was a Head of Security. What we needed was a large and assertive hound that would scare off potential intruders and stand guard of the Lanman Solar HQ. So he bought Reggie.
It turns out that, if we did have an intruder, Reggie is more than likely to lick them to death or just want a cuddle - so we decided to promote him from Head of Security - to the Director of staff welfare. Offering a stroke, cuddle or lick to anyone who may need some of his attention during the week.
Regardless of his job - Reg is a lovely dog and very much one of the team here now.
So why not pop in next time you're passing by and give him a quick stroke and say hello!